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Can we put together instructional design models into Criminal Justice Education? Part I

In these days, issues related to a reform in the criminal justice system are focused on the capability of the people to supervise the job of the police and the prosecution after the commission of inappropriate actions in the execution of their functions. Mostly, the reforms seek to enhance the administrative, organizational, functional, practical and professionalization structures of the employees; within them are areas such as: compliance, policies, procedures, supervision, administration, protection of laws and non-discrimination, among others and the area of ​​education; about which we are going to be talking.

The presence of technology in educational practices as a sustainable, reliable, and accessible alternative to individuals pursues to maximize the practices, so that everyone can acquire knowledge immediately, many times for compliance reasons. This does not necessarily guarantee that the apprentice had the needed time to understand, comprehend and apply the knowledge learned in his daily functions of the profession. The criminal justice field is a broad one that has been under reform for many years in different parts of the country, seeking to adapt its functions to the continuous changing needs of society; pedagogical and practical areas require looking for alternative models that can balance a culture of generational changes before the prelude of technology. Likewise, in the field of criminal justice we have observed significant spaces of generations practicing the profession, since before the use of the computer existed, the introduction to the profession and almost total dependence on technology for the resolve of the investigations.

The foundation of a good content in the development and / or updating of a pedagogical course is the teamwork of the subject matter expert and the instructional designer; so, the learning process can be enhancing, enjoyable and meets the goal of instruct and communicate knowledge. Many of the courses related to the criminal justice field integrate academic and practical aspects related to the profession. An alternative for reviewing and renovating these courses where the learner can develop critical thinking skills, peer learning, and conflict resolution is the application and use of the SAMR Model. This instructional model is like a model of Bloom's taxonomy through the integration of technology since allows the learner to think differently and perform new tasks. This model consists of 4 levels as we see in the graph:

We cannot skip the steps in the improvement phase. We must perform and evaluate the efficiency of the students. For example, agents understood and comprehend the material; especially in technical areas such as the procedural component and application of criminal law in the practice of their functions. The transformation seeks the integration of multiple communities around the world to the discussion of the topic, creating opportunities to learn and improve our daily practices combining knowledge and experience on the topic discussed to our professional field. The task will be the same, but the technology integrates the learner with the learning in a performance with the world that surrounds him. (Centeno, 2020).

So, the question for open discussion: is there an opportunity for integration? Professionals in the field understand there is still a way to go to balance knowledge, educational technology with practice, particularly in the field of criminal justice. The combination of society to understanding the profession and supervision of performances ensures that we must be attentive to the requirement of a quality balance between the government and the system. We must continue to develop skills adding value and motivate the vocation of all its components in the criminal justice system; especially law enforcement professionals; that the end of the day, they are there to ensure our safety and balance their commitment by creating safe environments that promote a better quality of life and the truth in a criminal investigation.

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Centeno, F. [ Federico Centeno]. (2020,01/03). El modelo SAMR en 3 minutos.

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